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The house of Lorette

Lorette the house of Pauline Jaricot


In 1832, Pauline Jaricot buy the Frèrejean family property, named also the Bréda house, and all the gardens attached around. She gave it the name of Lorette, because of the devotion to the Virgin Mary and in souvenir of a famous pilgrim, in Lorette town, in Italy, at this time.

This house benefits of an exceptional situation on the hillsides between the Primatiale Saint Jean and the Fourvière basilica place, further more a single view upon the Lyon city and all around


Pauline Jaricot adds a triangular pediment on the north façade with the inscription.”O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee” and on the east facade, she place plaques where are engraved the Mary’s litanies.


She asks the permission to have an oratory in a piece of the house, before building the Sainte Philomena chapel.


Later, she will construct a staircase in order to enable the Lyonnais and the pilgrims to reach the top of the hill Fourvière more easily.


Pauline Jaricot stayed here since 1833 till her death in 1863, with her little community of Mary’s daughters.


Here, she is working to expand the Living Rosary, she welcomes all the poor, who find comfort and food they need from her, she welcomes also clerics and missionaries.

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The Sainte Philomena chapel was erected by Pauline Marie Jaricot in recognition of her miraculous healing at Mugnano del cardinale (Italy) in 1835, during a pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint Philomena. She then brought back a relic of the saint enshrined in a doll. ​


At Pauline's request, on February 13, 1837, Gregory XVI authorized the worship of Saint Philomena and, the first in France, the Curé of Ars dedicated a chapel to her where he exhibited a piece of relic donated by Pauline.


Pauline had this chapel erected on her property, the plan of which is attributed to Antoine Chenavard, the city architect. It was inaugurated at the beginning of November 1839.


Restoration work was carried out in the autumn of 1998 with the assistance of the Heritage Foundation and the international secretariat of the Pontifical Mission Societies.




The house of Lorette is now the property of the French « Œuvres Pontificales Missionnaires ». Its first aim is to be a memory, a prayer and a mission place for the Lyon diocese and for all the Christian Church in the world:

  • Memory place to know the life, the works, and all the actions of Pauline Jaricot and to meditate in her bedroom where she died,

  • Payer place, with a religious Community who animate spiritually and in a missionary spirit this house. The Eucharist is celebrated on Monday and on Thursday, to all the intentions and requests of graces or healing by the intercession of Pauline in view of her beatification ; others celebrations can take place on demand,

  • Mission and evangelisation place, the site is open for everybody. A religious Community and volunteers welcome the visitors. Meeting rooms for discussion groups, school groups or parish groups are available, also the chapel.

The house is open every day, from 9h30 to 12h00 and from 14h00 to 18h00, except Sunday morning and Tuesday. It is closed in January.


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"The love of God gives value to the smallest actions. But the most beautiful actions without love are without beauty and without life ..."
Another face, J. Servel, p.126
"Let us go out of ourselves, go to the heart of Jesus, go to love itself, it is he who will give us to love him."
Another face, J. Servel, p.178


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