Pontifical Missionaries Societies
Pontifical Mission Societies have common purpose to “promote universal missionary spirit among the God’s People.” It is their primary task to give impetus to cooperation, to harmonize missionary forces and ensure equitable distribution of financial aid they receive for Church mission in the poorest countries. More than 1,500 dioceses in 5 continents receive from Pontifical Mission International Societies, necessary aid for their evangelization mission.
The Pontifical Mission Societies is made up of four missionaries:
Propagation of the Faith (SPF) contributes to life of the poorest dioceses, to evangelization and catechesis. It supports more than 6,000 projects per year worldwide.
St. Peter Apostle (SPA) helps seminarists, religious seminaries and novitiates. The Society trains young men and women in their own country and culture to serve their people as religious Sisters, Brothers, or Priests. Also assisted are in their formation and training are those catechists who have been chosen to be the teachers and formators of the catechists in their country.
Holy Child Association (HCA) invites children to a universal openness and finances projects related to education and evangelization. It finances about 3,000 projects per year worldwide. Children in communities, orphanages, homes for the disabled, refuges, and those living on the streets are assisted by the generosity of children who wish to make the love of Jesus know everywhere.
Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU) participates in the priests’ missionary education, religious brothers and sisters and pastoral workers. It was hoped that these leaders within the Church (the clergy) would inspire the laity to pray for the success of evangelization, the spread of the Good News throughout the World.
Mission Societies exists through the generosity of Catholics and plays a crucial role in combating poverty, disease, injustice and exploitation. With 120 offices worldwide, it is the only organisation which supports every one of the 1,120 mission dioceses, Apostolic Vicariates, Apostolic Prefectures, Apostolic Administration and Mission: “Sui luris”.
The foundators
The Pontifical Missionaries Societies were born in XIXth century from the charisma of 4 persons: Pauline Marie Jaricot, Bishop de Forbin Janson, Jeanne Bigard and Father Paolo Manna.
Since 1922, the Pontifical Mission Societies have been the official missionary arm of the Church charged with the work of evangelization and charitable works throughout the world. Our work also provides mission awareness and supported by our benefactors, raises funds for the poorest mission churches of the Catholic Church.
Read more on site: http://www.fides.org/en or http://www.missionsocieties.ca